Surveying of
Land and Buildings
Land Surveying

Do you need a Topo Survey?
Any size of project. We can provide your design team with an accurate digital feature map with contours using Total stations and GNSS. (Dynamic Real Time)
Delivering terrain models (DTM's) since 1990 we understand your requirements will be to RICS Guidelines and know what is required by simply reviewing an overmarked site plan. We can also adapt to any detailed specifications you have.
Survey co-ordinate reference system and elevations can be related to Ordnance Survey (via GNSS) or local grid / temporary benchmarks as required.
Output of 2d or 3d drawing delivery will be provided in a format to match your needs, PDF, Autodesk, Microstation, MX Genio.

Boundary & Title Deed Surveys
Looking for boundary measurements?
Registers of Scotland provides guidance on mapping for rights of land in accordance with the Land Registration etc. (Scotland) Act 2012.
We provide the accurate site measurements and produce Ordnance Survey scale plans to match the essential deed plan criteria for submissions of documents.
In addition we can assist with boundary disputes for rights over land by reviewing historical plans and overlaying existing site dimensions.

Aerial Mapping / Photogrammetry
Need a survey from above?
With surveyors who are CAA approved PfCO licenced to pilot dedicated aircraft we can capture vast amounts of site information for your large site.
Using a combination of high precision drone imagery and GNSS ground control points we are able to provide a range of data acquisition services for delivery of survey grade 3d digital surface models. (DSM)
Equipment: Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) / (UAV)
Typical Deliverables: 3d Point Clouds, Terrain Models, Volume Calculations, multi-visit comparisons.

Laser Scanning and Mobile Mapping
Faster project delivery with Big Data?
Terrestrial LiDAR (light detection and ranging)
- Tripod scanning for efficient acquisition of millions of accurate colour survey points.
- Mobile mounted scanners for ultimate in accurate speed surveying over huge distances.
Vehicle Mounted Scanner or Tripod Mounted Scanner
Digital Terrain Models, Corridor and Obstruction Surveys, 3d Point Cloud, 3d Mesh, Models,
Measured Building Surveying

3d Laser Scanning Surveys
3d Laser Scanning is a crucial tool in providing accurate data on a buildings features.
Our scanning surveyors will visit your site to quickly / accurately capture large volumes of as-built data and generate a point cloud for use in modelling or extraction of dimensions for 2d drawings.
We can also assist with training in the use of point clouds with 3d Viewers and CAD systems,
- Record ancient monuments.
- Trace all building features.
- Scan to BIM.
- Rights of light surveys

As-built drawings
Working across industries - Commercial, Retail, Residential, Cultural Heritage, Medical and Utilities. We provide accurate laser surveys to transfer as-built measurements into 2d AutoCAD drawings.
Standard features which can be included in these surveys are main structure, fit-outs, heights / levels, services, roofs, internal roof spaces / ceiling voids and external features.
Delivering dimensional drawings of area floor plans, roof plans, cross sections, longitudinal sections, detailed facades and elevations.

Scan to BIM
Scan to BIM is key for high quality asset management. We are able to provide fit for purpose 3d Models to suit RICS accuracy banding criteria.
Our models are ready for use within days from completion of sitework.
The models can be also be created from existing 2d drawings or existing scan data of your buildings and assets.
By maintaining a cost effective approach without compromising on quality we will customise delivery of models to suit your budget and
software requirements such as Autodesk Revit or ArchiCAD.

Aerial photography and digital imagery
Do you need support surveying buildings using drones?
We understand some area's cant be surveyed using tapes or laser scanners and require close inspection with the use of UAV. Our drone photography team can advise the correct procedures prior to quoting so you know if the project is feasible within your budget.
We provide:-
- Drones with suitable cameras.
- 4k Video
- As-built surveys
- Infrastructure Inspections
- Thermal Imagery​
Site Engineering

Deformation & Monitoring Surveys
Concerned about structural stability?
Providing continual monitoring to identify critical movements of site features.
Using total station, laser scanning and camera equipment we can supply / install monitoring points with results issued in a wide range of formats such as point cloud, 3d mesh, .dwg / .dwf. Reporting is via standard document or can be web-based with tolerance alerts.
Typical surveys include: Horizontal and Vertical Movement, Verticality, Tilt Movement and Crack/Joint expansion.
Typical features: Buildings, Earthworks, Retaining Walls, Roads, Bridges and Tunnels.

Setting Out Surveys
Looking to transfer design to the construction site at the correct position and height?
We provide mark-out points, setting out reports and plan drawings of points with co-ordinates. (CAD, PDF) Risk Assessments and Method Statements (RAMS) prior to work commencing.
Equipment: Total Station and GPS / GNSS
Typical Surveys include: Earthworks, Drainage, Ground Works, Roads, Structures, Floor Levels, Piles, Concrete Substructures.

Volumetric Analysis & Area Calculations
Require a 3rd party survey company to check volumes and area's?
From topographic survey DTM's / DGMS using total stations, laser scanners or drones we can measure and compare 3d areas to provide you with site volumes, area calculations, site sections,
We use Land Survey and 3d Mesh software for the most accurate results.
Underground Utility Surveys

PAS128 GPR Underground Utility Surveys
Need to trace services below ground in accordance with the latest standards PAS128.
Generally carried out with an associated topographical survey we can also locate, position and identify buried power cables, telecoms, pipes (gas / water), drainage and sewage.
Using Electromagnetic Technology Cable Avoidance Tools:-
- Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)
- Locator and Transmitter. (Cat & Gen)
Call us
Phase Surveys is the Geospatial Division of Phase Projects Ltd.
7 Queens Gardens,
Aberdeen, Scotland, UK
AB15 4YD
We are always interested in hearing from experienced technical professionals looking to further their career, please send a cover letter together with your C.V. to: info@phasesurveys.com